Poem a Day – 30 – Safebreaking

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

30th April


A Safebreaker’s Quatern

Phew!  Last day of April, and I’m limping over the line with my final ‘poem a day’ for NaPoWriMo.  Taking up a challenge from Robert Lee Brewer’s excellent web site, I’ve written a Quatern.  My first ever Quatern in fact.

A Quatern, according to Robert, is “a French poetic form that incorporates a refrain like in the villanelle, and eight-syllable lines like in the kyrielle….

  1. (It) has 16 lines broken up into 4 quatrains (or 4-line stanzas).
  2. Each line is comprised of eight syllables.
  3. The first line is the refrain. In the second stanza, the refrain appears in the second line; in the third stanza, the third line; in the fourth stanza, the fourth (and final) line.
  4. There are no rules for rhyming or iambics.

The refrain, in my example, is “finding the right combination”.

The Safebreaker

Finding the right combination

was trickier than expected

two twists to the left, four twists right

still no sound of turning tumblers


They’d put together the best crew

finding the right combination

brains, brawn, safe breaker. The target:

fifty grand in the old bank vault


Had to sack the last ‘box cracker’

high on booze and cocaine. To him,

finding the right combination

meant mixing whiskey, dope and speed


Turn the dial. Clink! Open the safe

Just a note in a booze bottle:

Smashed! But still quicker than you at

finding the right combination

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 29 – Scraping the Bottom…

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

29th April

I moved to a new place 3 months ago. Some friends recently came round for the first time.  In Korea, it is traditional to bring toilet paper to a new house – with its endlessly long spool of paper it represents long life, happiness and all things good, or so he told me.

House Warming

Visiting my new place

for the first time

he brought me

a six-pack

of toilet paper.

(It’s traditional

in Korea


To help me

get to the bottom of things

wipe away bad memories

see through a tissue of lies

paper over the cracks

begin a new sheet

get on a good roll

help 2 ply a new path

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 28 – A Mode(rni)st Little Number

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

28th April

A modernist piece, inspired by a fragment of a song I heard on the radio this morning. No idea what it means. Perhaps you can tell me.



the ebb and flow

a thousand lonely



how restless

drift in the tide



the crash

rip of spirit



the undertow

grieving souls



the surge

new life

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 27 – Insulting

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

27th April


When running short of inspiration, there’s nothing like an insult to get the brain moving. Thankfully, I don’t know anybody who deserves this:

Insult Poem

Your face is like a bag of boils

your hair is like Medusa’s coils

your feet are like two fishing boats

your skin hangs like an empty coat


Your brain must be extremely small

it rarely gets much use at all

thinking’s not your cup of tea

you’d rather stroke your vanity


Never seen when things get tough

avoiding blame, inventing stuff

supposed crimes and violations

Machiavellian machinations


Your face is like a wrinkled prune

oozing puss like a seeping wound

your teeth are yellow, your breath smells foul

your voice evokes a banshee’s howl


You dwell in cracks and under rocks

you’re welcome as a dose of pox

emerging in the dead of night

to seize your prey, inflict your bite


You’re welcome as a plague of mites

you’re known to give us all the shites

a rocking horse is more astute

you’re as appealing as a newt


So now you know the state of play

this is the parting of the way

before you lift your arse to flee

prithee, what thinkest thou of me?


copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 26 – Too Late

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

26th April

When you have to generate a poem every day, you search for inspiration in the most unlikely of places. I’ve belatedly started watching The Wire, said my some to be the greatest TV series ever. I’m hooked. HBO have done some great work : The Sopranos, Deadwood, Treme, all hooked me, and The Wire has done the same.  This poem comes from the famous “Tap, Tap, Tap” incident in the first series.

Too Late

Tap, Tap, Tap

pulling her from sleep

so deep, so deep

There.  Again

the kitchen window
pulling on a robe

stepping lightly

feeling her way
down the hallway

deep, deep dark

a familiar outline
at the window

Tap, Tap, Tap

pulling on the light cord
just a shape

pressing her face

close to the glass
to see that face

to see her fate

the barrel of a gun
Tap, Tap, Tap

pulling her head away

too late. Too, too late


copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 25 – Oasis Translator

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

25th April

Another something completely different, inspired by a friend’s experiences on the Oasis dating site:

Oasis Translator

Oasis Talk: “I’m looking for a soul mate to share my life, to hold my hand, to walk with me on sunset beaches, to love me unconditionally”
Translation: “I’m a narcissist. This is one of my less dangerous delusions. Believe me, I have many more”

Oasis Talk: “Little extra weight”
Translation: “Finalist in The Biggest Loser

Oasis Talk: “I am what I am”
Translation: “I am a slob and have been told so on numerous occasions”

Oasis Talk: “I’m down to earth”
Translation: “I talk in cliches ad nauseam”

Oasis Talk: “I’ve been through the school of hard knocks”
Translation: “I talk in cliches ad nauseam”

Oasis Talk: “I graduated from the university of life”
Translation: “I talk in cliches ad nauseam”

Oasis Talk: ”39 years old”
Translation: ”49 years old”

Oasis Talk: “49 years old”
Translation: “59 years old”

Oasis Talk: “I’m not a fitness fanatic”
Translation: “I’m a couch potato”

Oasis Talk: “Sorry you’re not my type”
Translation: “I get off on rejecting people”

Oasis Talk: “I’m a professional person”
Translation: “I have a Jim’s Mowing round”

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 24 – Politicians

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

24th April

And now for something completely different. This one comes with a language warning.

Things you never  hear an Australian politician say:

I’m not sure.

I am racist, and ….

Yes, I am a chauvinistic pig.

Compassion is not a dirty word.

Yes, I did have sex with that man.

Yes, I did have sex with that woman.

Why would we want to be like America?

Yes, we faked the story to win the election.

I think many people are willing to pay more tax.

Morality can fuck off, power is more important to me.

I am compassionate, but I have to hide it to keep my job.

The economy can fuck off. Morality is more important to me.

I am pleased to award the Australian Father of the Year award to Mr. Terry Hicks.

No, we felt it was more important to be honest than to appeal to the redneck vote.

I will refer the matter to some real experts, and I will do exactly what they recommend.

No, most of us are not doing it tough. Most of us are in clover compared to many other countries.

I’m doing this because 5 billionaires took me out to dinner and promised some very large donations.

Yes, I do keep repeating the same old slogans, over and over and over. It’s because I really have nothing worthwhile to say.

I know there is no evidence to invade, but every time I think of war I get an erection. In fact, the only time I get an erection is when I think of war.

My wife loves me dragging the family out for a photo-shoot every time I’m in trouble – it’s the only time I hold hands with her, and kiss the children.

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 23 – Always Keep a Poem Handy

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

23rd April

Always Keep a Poem Handy


stow one in the car boot

like a spare tyre


fold one inside your wallet

like a lazy fifty dollar bill


stick one in your hat band

like a bookie’s runner


slip one in your pocket

let it jingle with the small change


hide one in your underwear

like a stash of dope


conceal one in the heel of your shoe

like a secret map of the camp


wear one under your belt

the way a pirate wears a cutlass


store it in your brain

like a pleasant memory


ring one onto a pigeon’s leg

send it homing


bake one in a cake

like a prison breaker’s file


drop one into fresh cement

like a Mafia victim’s body


hide some in the fridge

under the cold beers


seal one in a glass case

by a small hammer on a chain


copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – 22 – Ctrl Alt Delete

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.

22nd April

A list poem drawing on my I.T. background

Ctrl Alt Delete


to reboot my brain

refresh my memory


internalise my external drive

repair my registry

empty my recycle bin


review my root directory

modulate my communications protocols

prune my social network


locate new hotspots

let go of old favourites

re-route my router


remove stale cookies

uninstall unused programs

clean my cache


empty my buffers

flush my streams

refill my cartridges


clean my head

firm up my firmware

pull down my partitions


examine connections

to my peripherals

find the escape key


copyright Mike Hopkins 2012

Poem a Day – Mumbai III

I’ve committed to writing a poem a day for the month of April as part of National Poetry Writing Month.


21st April


Mumbai is … (part 3)

The washing

of a million people

hanging out to dry

under a polluted sky


a city touting

tours, ferry rides

garlands, pashminas

snapshots of you in front of a temple


a woman in a sari

motorbike side saddle

clasping her shopping

tighter than her husband


cricket on every ‘madan’

watched intently

by young men

under hessian shelters


a city unboundaried



a city of perpetual motion

copyright Mike Hopkins 2012